I cover some basic material creation (absolutely nothing special here, standard cinema 4d materials). Hope I wasn't going too fast and you can follow along, let me know :)

I'm using different tools such as Knife, Bridge, Bevel to create the geometry. Categories All Categories 2.5d after effects 2.5d animation after effects 2.5d parallax effect 3d 3d animation 3d camera 3d camera after effects 3d layers 3d lighting 3d lights 3d motion tracking after effects 3d shadow after effects adobe after effects adobe after effects (software) adobe after effects tutorial adobe premiere pro ae camera aejuice aescripts signal after effects after effects 2022 after effects 3d after effects 3d animation after effects 3d camera after effects animation after effects camera after effects camera tutorial after effects cinema 4d after effects content aware fill after effects for animation after effects for beginners after effects how to after effects motion after effects motion graphics after effects motion tutorial after effects old film effect after effects old film look after effects plugins after effects plugins 2022 after effects sci-fi space after effects space scene after effects tips after effects titles after effects tricks after effects tutorial after effects tutorial 2022 after effects tutorial for beginners after effects tutorial motion graphics after effects tutorial space after effects vintage film look analog crt textures analog textures analog vhs effect animation art school artist b movie titles balance in design balance in design principles be better blur boris fx sapphire boris fx sapphire after effects c4d c4d dynamics c4d lite c4d tut c4d tutorial c4d tutorial beginner camera after effects cinema 4d cinema 4d animation cinema 4d dynamic animation cinema 4d dynamics cinema 4d dynamics simulation cinema 4d dynamics tutorial cinema 4d lite cinema 4d lite after effects cinema 4d lite after effects tutorial cinema 4d lite tutorial cinema 4d mograph cinema 4d motion graphics cinema 4d tut cinema 4d tutorial cinema 4d tutorial begginer cinema 4d tutorial beginner cinema 4d tutorials color correction content aware fill creative assets creative constraints crt monitor crt tv deep glow deep glow after effects deep glow after effects tutorial deep glow plugin deep glow tutorial demo depth design design thinking dynamics dynamics tutorial elements of art film look final cut pro freelance glitch glitches glow graphic design green screen hardware how to how to 2.5d animation how to 2.5d in after effects how to parallax effect how to remove green screen how to use after effects inspiration interview journey keying in after effects keylight 1.2 after effects keylight 1.Using different modeling techniques, we start creating our objects in the scene.